Using Social Media to Identify and Leverage Engagement (SMILE) with Arts and Culture (AHRC funded).
PERFORM project – Partner on European Commission-funded project. PERFORM aims to investigate the effects of the use of innovative science education methods based on performing arts in fostering young peoples’ motivations and engagement with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in selected secondary schools in France, Spain and the United Kingdom. In doing that, PERFORM takes action to overcome the remaining distance between young people and science and to break the unidirectional model of scientific knowledge transfer.
Qualia project – Automated Real-time Evaluation System for the Arts & Culture Sector. Project focused on developing a technology-based evaluation system for use with arts and culture audiences, including smartphone apps, sentiment analysis of social media, automated smile detection and other measures (NESTA / Arts Council / AHRC funded).
The Role of Technology in Evaluating Cultural Value, particularly in the context of arts and culture engagement experiences (AHRC funded critical review for the Cultural Value project).
Engaged Teaching and Learning within the Social Sciences: Embedding Engagement with Civil Society Organisations within the Curriculum and Higher Education Teaching Practice (Higher Education Academy funded).
Thought leadership project on The Role of Social Media in Public Dialogue and Policy (funded by Sciencewise). Report published on Sciencewise website HERE.
Co-Principal Investigator (2013), ‘Household food security: A review of Food Aid’, commissioned by UK Government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Rapid evidence assessment on the topic of informal food assistance (including food banks) and household food security – working with Professor Liz Dowler.
External Evaluation of Higher Education Academy (HEA) Social Sciences Teaching Research Methods project.
PERO: Public Engagement with Research Online (Funded by JISC).
Research on Conservation Education in Zoos and Aquaria (Funded by the European Commission and Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust).
Wang, B., Liakata, M., Zubiaga, A., Procter, R., Jensen, E. (2016). SMILE: Twitter emotion classification using domain adaptation. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1619: 15-21.Jensen, E. A. & Lister, T. P. (2015). Evaluating indicator-based methods of ‘measuring long-term impacts of a science center on its community’. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53(1): 60-64.
Jensen, E. (2015). Evaluating impact and quality of experience in the 21st century: Using technology to narrow the gap between science communication research and practice. JCOM: Journal of Science Communication, 14(3): C05. Accessed by clicking here.
Jensen, E. (2013). ‘Re-considering ‘The Love of Art’: Evaluating the potential of art museum outreach’. Visitor Studies, 16(2): 144-159. Dawson, E. and Jensen, E. (2011). Towards a ‘contextual turn’ in visitor research: Evaluating visitor segmentation and identity-related motivations. Visitor Studies, 14(2): 127-140.
Jensen, E., Dawson, E. and Falk, J. (2011). Dialogue and synthesis: Developing consensus in visitor research methodology. Visitor Studies, 14(2): 158-161.

Eric Jensen
Department of Sociology, University of Warwick
I am a social scientist and impact evaluation methods expert, with extensive experience researching public engagement with arts and culture in a variety of settings.
Image above: Young Producer performs a live poem about themes of Bestiality in the Collection as part of a YP Takeover Event © The National Gallery